Friday, December 14, 2007

Busy time of year

So. Sometimes I get kinda grouchy around this time of year. I kindly refer to myself as a Scrooge. But it's for good reason, I think. Honestly, I don't do well when I am overly busy...any time of year...but this Season sometimes puts me over the top. Between trying to keep up "traditions" (sending out cards with updates and pictures), getting the girls Santa picture made to hang on the tree, picking/buying/wrapping a slew of gifts, deciding what we are going to do for Christmas dinner, dealing with Chloe's near-Christmas birthday (and the list goes on...), I often feel like I'm just going crazy.

Some years, I'm ahead of the game. Most years, I'm not. And on the years I'm not, things just end up going by the wayside. That's just the way it goes. This year, what's going by the wayside is cards. For good of my lovelies has lost my address book. So. I do not have any addresses for next of kin, friends, or any-freakin-body. Nice. Anyway, please don't be offended if you don't get a Christmas card. It's not because I didn't think about you :) but somethings gotta give. This year, this is it.

On a positive note, we decided to get Chloe a new bedroom for her birthday/Christmas. So, we repainted, got her new furniture, got a new bedspread and curtains, and light fixture. I think she's in love with it...I know I am! She's been really great about keeping it picked up and tidy since we redid it, so I'm proud of her for that! Anyway, since we did that for her, her Christmas has been pared down. I intended to cut it down even more, but I guess my guilty conscience got the best of me, thinking of her not having much to open (though, I discussed it with her prior to making the "deal", and she was prepared for that). Needless to say, she'll still have plenty.

I AM ready for this joyous holiday season to be over, though. Christmas is NOT my favorite time of year. I think that I'm not the only person to feel that the "marketability"of the season has done a bit to downplay the warm-fuzzies. Or maybe I'm just jaded? What do you think?


Lynns said...

I agree with you. There is too much pressure to spend and too many traditions to keep up with. I took Maddie to see Santa twice because I wanted the prefect picture. My cards are ready to go, but still not in the mail. oops. I hate having the kid's birthday so close to Christmas too. She's going to get short changed over the years and I feel sorry for her. (which, I'm sure you feel that way about Chloe, too) I can't wait to see her room. And I'm sure the girls (and you) will in enjoy the Wii. Unless, of course, you decided to sell it. I think they are going for like $500 on eBay. lmao.

Anonymous said...

Im not into the holidays this year either. I just want to get a lot of presents.. but dont really want to buy any. -Ember

Cat said...

Some people light up like...well, like Christmas trees during the season. Others get all morose and 'Grinchy'. Either way, it's okay. I'm moody and change the way I feel about it pretty much every day. Just know I'm stalking you and that by reading your blog, you just gave me a good card. You are cool in my book, so just roll with that today. Hugs.