Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Under pressure

So. I've been instructed to blog. And I felt like now was as good a time as any.

Some funny things have been happening to those around me. Everyone seems to be thinking deep thoughts, drudging up deep feelings, contemplating. Change is in the air. Hopefully, change for the better, but it pains me to see my friends in turmoil. And the worst part is, there's not a thing I can do to change any person's situation but my own.

Even then, sometimes I feel powerless. I'm the world's worst about getting stuck in ruts. Seriously. I don't like change and never have (which I'm sure stems from the never ending chaos that was my childhood...but that's a tale for a different day). So, sometimes, I just stay. Stuck. Where I don't necessarily want to be. It could be stuck in a way of thinking or stuck in a place or stuck in a habit. And, of course, as a half-way intelligent person, I typically can see this, even as it's occurring. But, alas, "seeing" it does nothing to help me move past, through, or beyond.

But, then, sometimes I get inspired. It could be by a book or an episode of Oprah or from reading a friends blog...which is the best way. I love being inspired by people I know. Then it somehow seems more apropos to my life. Regardless, it's when I'm inspired to change, that good things happen. Which is the point of this blog. I'm sorry to see my friends suffering, but damnit, some of the things that come out of their blogs is downright impressive. And, this is why I love my friends. The beauty of it all is...many of them likely don't even know the impact they have on me. So, for future reference, if you're my friend, know you continually inspire me. To change. To get un-stuck. To move. So. Here are some beautiful/hysterical musings that have struck me lately (you know who you are):

"Sometimes it makes my views and opinions become unclear and I look like a chameleon, with no strong personality of my own."

"I worry that one day she will lose this playful and pure innocence and that it will be my fault...somehow....that I will inadvertently take it away from her....or she will just fall victim to *growing up too fast* or *pressures to fit in*. Why can't I just keep her like this forever....she's so happy."

"Well that's all I got for now... my head is throbbing, my kids are annoying and I need a drink."

"No questions asked, no sermons, no speeches, no judgements; just a cold beer, a hug, and a true friendship."

"I knew that my puppies were part of our family. They ARE our family. It feels like a family member is missing."

"So after screaming every known obscenity that I have in my verbal repertoire I look down to see that I have the word Heatilator tattooed across 3 fingers on my right hand...awesome."

"Mmmmm. I'm grateful for those every single time because crusty ketchup kisses won't always be here."

"That because someone does not love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have."

And on that note, I just want to baby sister is a constant source of inspiration to me. She likely doesn't know it. But it's okay.

I know it, and that's what matters.


Minamom said...

lovin' it my dear... keep on! keep on! *hugs*

Karyn said...

Having friends that challenge you is a wonderful gift. You are fabulous.

Lynns said...

You made me tear up a little there. love you! Keep on blogging in the free world. (heehee)

Unknown said...

Awesome, keep blogging so I have something to read. I agree Ember truly inspires me with blog fodder too.

Anonymous said...

Thats sweet.. and I dont say sweet very often. :) Love u. -Ember