Tuesday, January 22, 2008


This is my absolute least favorite time of year. For the record, I despise being cold, and during the winter, it seems like I'm cold to the core. But, there is one bright spot! I LOVE being able to crawl into bed late at night and sidle up next to my heater, AKA Billy. Our internal thermostats are so vastly different, it's amazing, really. I can be freezing and he will complain of being burning hot. How is this possible? He swears I have poor circulation, which I'm not denying, because there must be some reasonable scientific explanation as to how two people can experience the same room temperature in two totally different ways. Anyway, during the summer, you can bet your bottom dollar that he will NOT let me snuggle, cuddle or otherwise touch him in bed (eh-hem, unless...), but during the winter, I get this perk! I actually think he kinda likes it when I come put my freeeeezing cold body, legs, toes and hands on him while he's sleeping. Perhaps it's something like a cool breeze to him? Who knows. But what I DO know is that I truly appreciate our temperature variations at this time of year, this time of night.

Snuggling in the winter. Perfection!

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Okay. It's true. I'm in love...with my phone. Ever since I got my blackberry, I can't put it down, I feel naked without it. And I've had it for quite some time, now. I've discovered texting and now have a plan to cover it. Therefore, texting is my new favorite way to communicate. The reasons are numerous...

First, you can convey a message without having a long drawn out conversation filled with niceties. B, you can text fairly nonchalantly...you know, while working or doing just about anything. Thirdly, naughty texting is fun; if you haven't tried it, you should ;) D, the blackberry is just THAT fun to use.

Who's with me? Who's with me?

Thursday, January 03, 2008

Hey ya, version 2

Came across this little diddy and LOVED it. Enjoy...